About "What the Hack" app

"What the Hack" is a game-based mobile application geared for girls who want to know more about technological careers and the role of women in them. What the Hack provides a basis for event information to facilitate knowledge sharing and to encourage participation, which also ensures the exchange between young girls in their early academic activities and professional women, and their technological jobs thus generating culture, improving networking, as well as enabling the recognition of something they have created by themselves. Additionally, participation in such events also contributes by showcasing successful women in these fields.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

'Women & Leadership: Why We Need Women Leaders to Win'

November 17, 2015

The discussion points include:
-Female thinking versatility and social intelligence is far more predictive of leadership success today than male bias of competitiveness, assertiveness and confidence.
-Leadership research confirms your organization will be more innovative, more profitable, and grow faster if you promote more women into leadership.
-Most organizations are built on a 'Hard Power' leadership mindset and processes that minimizes women's power and holds them back from making their highest and best contributions.


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