About "What the Hack" app

"What the Hack" is a game-based mobile application geared for girls who want to know more about technological careers and the role of women in them. What the Hack provides a basis for event information to facilitate knowledge sharing and to encourage participation, which also ensures the exchange between young girls in their early academic activities and professional women, and their technological jobs thus generating culture, improving networking, as well as enabling the recognition of something they have created by themselves. Additionally, participation in such events also contributes by showcasing successful women in these fields.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2015

October 14, 2015

Started in 1994, GHC is now the world’s largest gathering of women technologists. In 2013, GHC hosted over 4,750 attendees from 53 countries including 1,900 students from over 400 academic institutions and 2,850 professionals from industry, government and academia. GHC 2014 sold out in record time, even with an increase in capacity to accommodate over 8,000 attendees. The conference features keynotes by prominent women in technology, career workshops, and technical tracks from leading researchers and the best of ACM SIGSOFT & SIGGRAPH.  Meet the women who are transforming technology at the Grace Hopper Celebration.

Amazon Advanced School on Software Quality (AASSQ) CUNHANTÃ DIGITAL

Agosto 17 a 21, 2015

É um evento impulsionado pelo Women in Information Technology (WIT), evento satélite do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC), pelo projeto Meninas Digitais, também da SBC, voltado para meninas do ensino médio, e pelo projeto SciTechGirls do Instituto de Computação da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, voltado para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos e participação em competições de programação científicas e tecnológicas.

9º WIT - Women in Information Technology

Julho 21 e 22, 2015

O IX Women in Information Technology (WIT) é uma iniciativa da SBC para discutir os assuntos relacionados a questões de gênero e a Tecnologia de Informação (TI) no Brasil – histórias de sucesso, políticas de incentivo e formas de engajamento e atração de jovens, especialmente mulheres, para as carreiras associadas à TI. Organizado na forma de palestras convidadas e painéis, o workshop estará centrado em debater problemas relacionados à mulher e ao seu acesso à TI, tanto do ponto de vista de mercado de trabalho quanto de inclusão e alfabetização digital.

The Leadership Foundry Research Launch-Women on Corporate Boards in the DC Region 2015

November 10, 2015

Each year in partnership with AU Kogod School of Business we produce a research report that does a census of the number of women serving on the boards of publicly traded companies in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC.  The report looks at current literature about the effects of board gender diversity.  This year's report will also delve deeper into the financial analysis of some sample companies to show the differences of companies with women board members compared to those who do not have women serving.

'Women & Leadership: Why We Need Women Leaders to Win'

November 17, 2015

The discussion points include:
-Female thinking versatility and social intelligence is far more predictive of leadership success today than male bias of competitiveness, assertiveness and confidence.
-Leadership research confirms your organization will be more innovative, more profitable, and grow faster if you promote more women into leadership.
-Most organizations are built on a 'Hard Power' leadership mindset and processes that minimizes women's power and holds them back from making their highest and best contributions.

Step Up Program Workshop 4 with Fiona Craig - You're the Expert, Now Start Acting Like One

November 25, 2015

With the rise of the Personal Brand it’s crucial that you know how to stand out in the increasingly crowded professional services market in Australia.
Explore the strategies of those who act like experts, and learn how to use these strategies in your career straight away to build your profile and maximize your experience.
An engaging and motivating topic that will have you running for the door to write your first bestseller!

The Leader is YOU! Build Your Change Intelligence for Influence and Impact

December 10, 2015

Presenter: Barbara A. Trautlein, Ph.D.

If you're a woman in technology, your job is all about leading change. What kin of change leader are you? Do you get inspired by looking forward towards bright futures and new horizons - a visionary leader? Do you get energized by engaging and collaborating with others toward joint goals - a participtive leader?